Services Offered


Psycho-Eductional Assessments

Cognitive, Academic, Visual Motor, Auditory, Psychomotor, Adaptive, Social-Emotional Assessments

Giftedness Assessments

Cognitive Assessment

Snapshot Assessments

Cognitive, Academic, Visual Motor, Auditory, Psychomotor Assessments

Academic Assessments

Academic Assessment

Functional Behavior Assessment and Behavior Intervention Plans

Assessment of students behaviors which creates a plan to help parents and schools understand and support a student’s challenging behaviors.

Parent Support/Consultation Services

Navigating the IEP and 504 process can be confusing. Many parents have questions about special education, accommodations and understanding goals and assessment reports.

Here at Mindful Learning Services, I sit down with parents to review documents, IEPs, reports, goals and answer any questions that a parent or student might have



Social Skills

Self-Esteem Building

Coping Skills/Managing Emotions

Executive Functioning Training


Time Management
